Always Loving You by Sydney Landon

Always Loving You (Danvers, #6)

by Sydney Landon

Ava Stone has spent her entire life looking over her shoulder—waiting for the past to catch up with her....

After surviving a horrific attack as a teenager, Ava has never been able to truly overcome her fears. The incident was covered up by her family so she wouldn’t have to deal with it publicly—yet only one person understands what she had to endure in private: her brother’s best friend, MacKinley Powers, who found her the night of the attack. But even he doesn’t know everything—and she’s afraid to open up to him.

Mac has loved Ava for most of his life—and being in close contact with her every day as head of security for Danvers International isn’t helping. In fact, it makes him realize the painful truth: He has to walk away to keep his sanity. But when Ava is forced to rely on the only man who has never let her down, can Mac break through the protective walls she’s needed for so long?

Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

5 of 5 stars

4.5 Cocktails

Always Loving You by Sydney Danvers is a poignant continuation to her Danvers series, following the story of Ava Stone and MacKinley Powers. Mac has known Ava most of her life, was there when she experienced a horrific ordeal, and have always taken it upon himself to protect her. Ava is sick of having Mac look to her as though she will break, and decides to show him she is a woman he can date.

I loved this story! Sydney Danvers keeps getting better, and this one is no different. Although Ava had suffered through an ordeal no one should have to experience, but she has tried to rebuild herself as best she can. I appreciated the way she was able to take her life back, in the best way she knew how. Mac was a sweetheart, and he did everything he could to make sure Ava was always comfortable, and looked out for her when she didn’t want to look out for herself. Mac was able to help heal her in a way only the love of a good man can, and I couldn’t be happier with the result. I can’t wait to see what else Ms. Danvers has in store for the Danvers series!!

Reviewed by Lucy for Cocktails and Books

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  • 9 January, 2015: Reviewed