Reviewed by Angie on

4 of 5 stars

I received an ARC through NetGalley.

I was very excited for Lucy's story after the intriguing set up in the previous book, and thankfully A Bandit's Betrayed Heart was as good as I hoped! It's been seven years since Finn disappeared from Lucy's life, and she hasn't heard even a word about his whereabouts. Her sister thinks it's past time to move on, but Lucy still has hope that they'll be reunited. Then an injured soldier is telling her about the man with strange facial markings who saved his life during the war. The man's name? Finn! Lucy immediately takes off to his last known location in hopes of tracking him down. Well, she does, but Finn is deep into some stuff and he doesn't want her anywhere near him.

I adored A Bandit's Betrayed Heart! I am such a sucker for second chance at love stories. I just want them to finally get their happy ending! Lucy and Finn were very much in love seven years ago, and that love never faded even in his absence. Although he does everything he can to push her away, but by now we know that the Richardson sisters are stubborn. Of course, he doesn't tell Lucy the depths of his troubles, she just unknowingly puts herself in danger which just added an extra layer of tension. Finn is indebted to a very, very bad man, and he doesn't want her used as leverage, but she just won't go! Needless to say, the lovers get into a lot of trouble, but being a Romance, it all works out in the end.

A Bandit's Betrayed Heart also has a pretty great side-plot. When Lucy refuses to leave North Carolina, she takes up with a recently freed slave and helps her at the school she runs for children and adult ex-slaves teaching them to read and write. Of course, being just after the Civil War, people are not too pleased with Lucy, but she never backs down! You go, girl!

A Bandit's Betrayed Heart was another great read in this series, and now I'm sad it's over. It's always nice to get to read about different places and times in Historical Romance.

Read more of my reviews at Pinkindle Reads & Reviews.

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  • 18 October, 2014: Finished reading
  • 18 October, 2014: Reviewed