Reviewed by Cameron Trost on

4 of 5 stars

"Vaudeville" is a rollicking tale of fantastic adventure set in the small town of Keaton and the mysterious woods nearby. It is in Keaton Woods that the body of young Anthony Moore's father was found and the boy feels drawn to these woods in an attempt to understand what happened to his father - and he succeeds...

Greg Chapman's writing explores the shadowy area between reality and fantasy; body and soul. This novella finds him building upon his writing style and usual subject matter in a logical way. It also shows his ability to create believable characters, especially with regards to the mother and son. However, I did find them a little less believable as the story progressed - but that was probably because the story took the dramatic leap from realism into fanstasy.

This story is perfect for fans of fantastic tales with a touch of horror and, even though the subject matter is dark, the story is spritely and enjoyable to read. The forest itself, as well as the clothes and mannerisms of the performers were well-described and Burtonesque in nature. It felt as though I too were there in the woods, watching the show!

Well done, Greg. Keep them coming, mate.

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  • Started reading
  • 25 July, 2012: Finished reading
  • 25 July, 2012: Reviewed