Reviewed by Angie on

3 of 5 stars

Cowboy's Way is a very cute and sexy novella about getting a second chance with the one who got away. Chase Cooper and his two friends decide to invite the girls from high school that they crushed on yet never dated out to their dude ranch for a week of fun. Chase intended to invite his friend Mari, but the invite ends up with her sister, Julia. Julia has a feeling she received the invite by mistake, but throws caution to the wind and heads out anyway. Little does she know, but Chase actually wanted her to show up and not her sister, and now that she's there with him, he isn't going to let her go.

Thanks to Cowboy's Way, I may have to reconsider my distaste for cowboys. I still find the hat and boots completely ridiculous and in no way sexy, and don't even get me started on the whole "ma'am" thing, but I have to admit, Chase knows how to treat a lady. But he's only a part-time cowboy. Anyway, I really enjoyed the romance between him and Julia. There's a genuine connection there, they don't play any games, and the sex is hot. He also helps her come out of her shell and be more carefree and relaxed. This is a very light hearted romance, but there is a little bit of something deeper when it comes to Chase's mother. It's not explored very much, but I thought it was a nice touch, and showed a softer side to Chase. Overall, I'm glad I gave this one a chance.

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  • Started reading
  • 23 November, 2013: Finished reading
  • 23 November, 2013: Reviewed