Reviewed by leelu92 on

4 of 5 stars

I loved Ty and Ara. Played was a sexy and sweet friends to lovers romance. I really do enjoy going back to the world that Ms. Frederick has created and I truly hope we keep getting more.

Ty and Ara had an incredible friendship, a solid friendship that spanned four years. They were totally at ease with each other for years until they realized that there was more to their relationship. Of course, they were pretty clueless about how they truly felt about each other. There was also the rational fear of sacrificing their friendship if a deeper relationship were to fail. Personally, I wanted them to get together ASAP because I really loved the time they spent together when they gave in to their true feelings. (I'd love to read even more about Ty and Ara.)

Ty Masters was pure deliciousness. Goodness, gracious!!

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  • Started reading
  • 6 October, 2017: Finished reading
  • 6 October, 2017: Reviewed