Reviewed by Lynn on

5 of 5 stars

This is the second book in The Love Bug series and in this book we follow Paul and Ellie story.

I'm was surprised by our protagonists back-story, because their “relationship” is so much more than we are previously lead to believe. This is a story of two people that have been in love with one another for ten years, but because Ellie dated Paul's best friend Lance in High School, being together is never going to happen because of the guy code bros before hoes!

After completing her internship Ellie decides to take matters into her own hands and buys a shop in Olde Town to set up her clothing/design company. The motivation for the move from Manhattan is to see Paul again and pick-up after a brief interlude some months earlier. Will the gamble pay off?
Unrequited love is the heartbreaking theme and at times I just wanted to knock both Paul and Ellies's head together ask why they are not together? The short answer to that is called Lance and it is amazing how one person can have such a hold on his best friend and ex-girlfriend for such a long time. It is very clear to everyone, including Lance that Paul and Ellie have had mutual feelings for each other, like forever. However, Lance still harbors strong feelings for Ellie too and would love an opportunity to mend their broken relationship.

With the time-line running concurrently with Watching Fireflies, we are treated to an alternative point of view during a couple of scenes which brought the book more alive for me. I love how the author has written all of the characters. The focal point might be Ellie and Paul, but we also catch-up with Tom and Jordan. Add to the mix a colouful array of supporting characters and you have a fun packed, sexy story.

5 Stars

***arc received courtesy of the author in exchange for an honest review***

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  • Started reading
  • 30 January, 2015: Finished reading
  • 30 January, 2015: Reviewed