Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare

Clockwork Angel (Infernal Devices, #1)

by Cassandra Clare

When sixteen-year-old orphan Tessa Fell's older brother suddenly vanishes, her search for him leads her into Victorian-era London's dangerous supernatural underworld, and when she discovers that she herself is a Downworlder, she must learn to trust the demon-killing Shadowhunters if she ever wants to learn to control her powers and find her brother.

Reviewed by Hixxup on

5 of 5 stars

OMG! at first I was kinda like ho hum on this story, maybe it was because I was sick. But I got more into and wow it was intense. Great book so cannot wait until the next one comes out.

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  • Started reading
  • 15 November, 2010: Finished reading
  • 15 November, 2010: Reviewed