The Second Chance Supper Club by Nicole Meier

The Second Chance Supper Club

by Nicole Meier

Two estranged sisters reunite in an emotional novel of family, forgiveness, lost hope, and new beginnings.

They had a forever bond, until a sudden tragedy thrust them apart. Now, each at a crossroad in her own life, two sisters’ paths are about to intersect.

Broadcast journalist Julia Frank has it all: a career, an ambitious fiancé and the hard-won respect of her peers. Until a ruinous decision destroys her reputation, puts her job at risk, and sends her reeling toward the only soul left to turn to: her estranged sister, Ginny.

The owner of a clandestine supper club hidden in the Arizona desert, Ginny Frank has a lot on her plate. The last thing she wants is more drama—or the burden of nursing her younger sister’s wounded ego. But family is family. Besides, Ginny can use the help in more ways than one, and she’s going to make sure Julia pulls her weight.

As a tenuous reunion reopens old wounds, Julia and Ginny have no choice but to confront the pain and betrayals of the past. Will working to keep the secret supper club running be just what they need to find common ground and a path toward forgiveness, or will the increasing stress push them even further apart?

Reviewed by Molly J(Cover To Cover Cafe) on

4 of 5 stars

I love a good, well written women's fiction novel. So, when I read the blurb for this novel, I jumped on the chance to review it. My thoughts? It was fantastic. Meier has beautiful talent and knows how to create emotionally moving moments and characters that are chiseled perfectly with flaws. And, let's not forget the yummy cover! I mean it speaks to my food loving heart instantly!

I loved following Ginny,and Julia through their journey of being estranged, through their journey of tragedy and hope, forgiveness and renewed relationships. I saw a lot of myself in each of these characters. I felt like they were speaking to me. Meier creates their story with powerful emotions from sadness to anger, to righting wrongs and seeking a second chance in life.

This 4 star worthy novel had me staying up late into the night, seeking out what would happen next between the sisters. Second chances don't always come easy, and when it's put in front you, grab it. Hold on to it and don't let go. That's what this story taught me. Through the happy moments, through the sad moments, through the angry moments, Meier uses these sisters to leave the reader with a powerful, soul moving lesson in family and forgiveness. I definitely recommend this read to all!

*I read this book from the publisher and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*

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  • 17 September, 2019: Reviewed