Reviewed by phyllish on

5 of 5 stars

Don't let the cover fool you

Ashleigh’s sister, Claire, and her boyfriend assumed that his father would never give his blessing for them to marry if he knew about Ashleigh’s divorce, especially if he knew the reason. After all, being a famous TV evangelist means that he is under some heavy scrutiny. But Ken and Anne want to meet Ashleigh and her husband, so what’s a girl going to do? After all, this is for her sister!

Enter Landon. When he hears Ashleigh explaining her dilemma to her friends at their book club, he volunteers, much to everyone’s surprise. My romantic heart assumed that his reason was that he had heard all about her from his mom and had developed a crush on her, sight unseen. His explanation as to why he would do this was simply “personal reasons”. And a crush would be personal, right?

I loved the way so many literary quotes and references were used. Ashleigh was stunned that Landon was able to finish her quotes. Their bantering was so fun. I particularly enjoyed the way Ashleigh assumed so many things about what a pastor’s wife should be like. Wow! It makes me think of Elizabeth’s retort to Mr. Darcy and Miss Bingley in Pride and Prejudice:

“I am no longer surprised at your knowing only six accomplished women. I rather wonder now at your knowing any.”

But don’t let the cover fool you. This is not a story full of flowers and sunshine. Author Sarah Monzon tackles some hard issues here. Ashleigh had been hurt by the church for something that wasn’t really even her fault – to the point that it didn’t affect her faith in God but it did keep her from fellowship. Almost everyone has made some rash judgments about the others and it results in secrets being exposed and eyes opened. Yet all of this is handled in a very tactful and sensitive manner with some lighthearted moments interspersed to keep it from being heavy and somber.

This is a book that will make you laugh and will also make you take a second look at the way you perceive things. I hope it will help you to remember to be slower to judge others and more gracious toward those who struggle with different sins than you do."

This review was originally posted on Among the Reads

I was given a free copy of this item. This gift did not influence my opinion or review.

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  • 27 September, 2018: Reviewed
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  • 27 September, 2018: Reviewed