Reviewed by Nadz@Totally Addicted to Reading on

4 of 5 stars

Taking Nicole is the fourth and final book in the Vegas Mates series. It tells the story of Nicole Demakis (werewolf) and Aaron Katsaros (leopard shifter). Aaron was forced to kidnap Nicole and have her delivered to her grandparents in Greece. During the course of the kidnapping it was revealed that Nicole and Aaron were mates, which proved a challenge for Aaron as his purpose for carrying out this nefarious deed was to ensure the safety of his sister who is being held prisoner by Nicole’s grandparents.

Nicole, on realizing who Aaron was tried to get him to see reason and release her, but he was not willing to risk his sister’s life even if it meant losing his mate for all eternity. Nicole feared she would end up like her mother if she were to lose Aaron. The emotional battle that these two were facing as a result was quite intense. The chemistry between these two was quite was quite intense, however, they had quite a number of obstacles to overcome before they could even think of being together.

I loved Nicole, she is a brave and caring person. She was willing to risk all to protect Aaron and the other slaves.

Of all the books in the series I found Taking Nicole to be quite emotional. It was filled with pain, sorrow, hatred, jealousy and humour, so when you begin to read this book be prepared to have all your emotions engaged.

There were some suspenseful moments which had me on the edge of my seat. This was an enjoyable read from beginning to end.

If you love paranormal stories that are short, sweet and spicy then I recommend this book as well as the others in the Vegas Mates series.

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  • Started reading
  • 24 April, 2014: Finished reading
  • 24 April, 2014: Reviewed