The Squirrel on the Train by Kevin Hearne

The Squirrel on the Train (Oberon's Meaty Mysteries)

by Kevin Hearne

Oberon the Irish wolfhound is off to Portland to smell all the things with canine companions wolfhound Orlaith and Boston terrier Starbuck, and, of course, his human, ancient Druid Atticus O'Sullivan. The first complication is an unmistakable sign of sinister agendas afoot: a squirrel atop the train. But an even more ominous situation is in store when the trio plus Atticus stumble across a murder upon arrival at the station. They recognize Detective Gabriela Ibarra, who's there to investigate. But they also recognize the body--or rather that the body is a doppelganger for Atticus himself. The police, hampered by...Read more

Reviewed by EBookObsessed on

5 of 5 stars

This is for fans of the Iron Druid Chronicles. You could read it without knowing the series, and you will be converted to a fan very quickly after spending so much time with Oberon.

There is nothing funnier than a story from the dog's point of view, especially one as complex as Oberon.

Oberon, Orlaith and Starbuck want a trip into Portland to smell everything and Atticus gives in and takes them on a train ride to Portland. The dogs notice a squirrel on top of the train when they board and no one is more surprised than Atticus that the squirrel manages to hold on for the entire trip to Portland. The dogs chase the squirrel off the train and into the station where they come across a Detective they met in the prior Oberon mystery, and a dead body. A dead body who is a dead ringer for Atticus.

Atticus and Oberon need to figure out who this look alike really is and who was the real target of the killer: the deceased look-alike or was this one of Atticus's many enemies  who now thinks they finally succeeded in killing the last Druid.

These mystery novellas are funny and unique because they are told from the point of view of Atticus's hound, Oberon. For those unfamiliar with the series, Atticus is a 2,000 year old Druid who survived the Roman's decimation of the Druids millenia ago and invented Immortali-Tea which he drinks to keep from aging. He also feeds the tea to his hound, Oberon, who is about 35 years old. Atticus also did a druid binding to the mind of Oberon so he has quite a vocabulary for a dog and a great love for movies and pop-culture. And like all dogs, he has a great dislike for all things squirrel.

It was an interesting mystery, told in a unique style.

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  • 29 December, 2017: Reviewed