Fertility Facts by

Fertility Facts

Fertility Facts is the ultimate compendium of pre-pregnancy advice, essential not only for the one in six couples struggling with fertility challenges, but also for anyone starting a family. This chunky volume offers hundreds of ways, sourced from doctors and the latest research by the experts at Conceive Magazine , for women to conceive faster. Each page offers a new and often surprising tip: women should avoid taking ibuprofen, while men looking to increase sperm count should double up on pumpkin seeds! With this highly accessible reference in hand, readers will be one step closer to parenthood.

Reviewed by cherryblossommj on

5 of 5 stars

It is no secret that for some time now I have had some cyclic and infertility issues. One day, DH and I were in Target and I bought a copy of a really cute journal [book:The Fertility Journal]. As I started using it, I started researching the people who made it available Conceive Online Magazine via Chronicle Books. While I was looking around I discovered "Fertility Facts" and immediately started searching for a copy to read for myself, and boy am I glad that I did.

"Fertility Facts" has been such a warm and fuzzy blessing during a fairly depressing time. Whether you have known fertility issues or are just considering trying for pregnancy it is a fabulous tool. With over 300 pages of facts and vocabulary and easy to understand information you can pore over this book for hours soaking in all the information. The facts are written with a personality and there are plenty of giggles as well as "oh, really??" reactions.

This is a book that I plan to keep on my shelf into the future and share with anyone who might even have an inkling to read it. I highly recommend it for every woman of child bearing years as well as any man going on the journey with her, as there is a chapter just for them. Go get yourself a copy and while you're at it check out the magazine too. It is all quite the blessing. Plus it's pretty. *grin*

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  • Started reading
  • 16 December, 2008: Finished reading
  • 16 December, 2008: Reviewed