Her Unexpected Hero by Melody Anne

Her Unexpected Hero (Unexpected Heroes, #1)

by Melody Anne

Alyssa's modeling career came to an abrupt end when her manager boyfriend emptied her bank account and ruined her professional reputation. Now she's heading to a new town in Montana to rebuild her life-if she can even get there (stupid delayed planes!). But things are looking up when she's upgraded to first class and a mysterious stranger sits down next to her…

Jackson Whitman doesn't believe in love, or commitment, or forever-not since he lost his wife and daughter. But the beautiful woman sitting next to him at the gate has him rethinking that position. Can he convince her to be his for the night? Or will she convince him to be hers for a lifetime?

Reviewed by kimbacaffeinate on

4 of 5 stars

In a prologue, we meet Jackson and his brother as children. We glimpse a fateful night and I loved this insight into Jackson. At this point, I am hooked and excited because it means this series will involve brothers and ya’ll know how I feel about series involving brothers.

The tale begins as Alyssa finds herself heading home from Paris. Her modeling career and professional reputation is in shambles after her boyfriend/manager left her high and dry. She is heading to her parent’s home in Montana. A sexy stranger named Jackson Whitman takes a set next to her at the boarding gate. Aaand folks things about to get interesting as these two souls collide.

The premise to Her Unexpected Hero was a fun one. Strangers meet on a plane, connect and share a passionate night to never see each other again or so they thought. Anne weaved in some twist, meddling parents and a few more surprises that cause these two star-crossed lovers to meet again and whoa baby the sparks are flying. I love that this ended up being a slow-burning romance despite the sizzling start. The author took time to develop the characters as she shared their pasts and allowed this complicated romance to unfold.

Alyssa Gerard is freshly wounded by mistakes, but I love that rather than despair she takes lessons from it. She is not without flaws and her secret might just destroy this budding relationship. Prior loss and lack of trust have Jackson believing he will never commit again. Watching that theory come unraveled was such fun. I love when a confident man falls. It such fun because it sneaks up on them until suddenly they get it.  His brothers are not likely to let him forget and I loved this witty ribbing. The banter and teasing between them was simply delightful. I love family bonds and these boys have a special connection. The romance gave us a mixed bag of sweet, frustrating and heat. There were moments that had me wanting to slap them both and others where I wanted to shout, “Group hug”. Anne wrapped all of this up with family and small-town charm giving me the warm and fuzzes. I love when a book can make me giggle as much as it makes me swoon.

Copy provided by publisher #XOXperts This review was originally posted at Caffeinated Book Reviewer

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  • Started reading
  • 12 March, 2015: Finished reading
  • 12 March, 2015: Reviewed