Reviewed by zooloo1983 on

5 of 5 stars

When the tour for this book came up, I knew I just had to do it! Not only did the book entice but it was Roger as well. Ever since I joined the blogging world 7 months ago, I have noticed on Twitter alone he follows bloggers and always supports their posts by liking them and retweeting and I thought this would be a great opportunity to give back to him, and say thanks! So here we are!

It is also a special day too! HAPPY PUBLICATION DAY!! ❤️

This book, when reading, seems like a slow burner…but it is not. When reflecting you realise how much has been said and done in a few short pages, how Roger has set the scene and introduced you to all the characters and their stories and how they all link together.

The way in which Roger has written the individual stories, it has you suspecting every-blinking-one, I had my suspicions about who the attacker was, and I was half right. However, even when you are given the person who has done these god-awful things and part of the reason why….the story does not end there!

Brooke, the leading lady, has had not had the easiest of starts to life, but when she is given a place to stay and a life by Nico, you see her carry on blossoming in to a wonderful woman….then she is brutally attacked, a way in which is one of my greatest fears. But yay! She survives! Although, after her surviving, the lines between the past and present become blurry.

The alternating chapters were fab, you had insight from Brooke and Liv (the bestie) in the present day. Then you get whisked into the past, to the attacker and to a group of friends growing up amidst a murder one summer holiday. The catalyst for all of this!

I also loved, that even though it is a crime story, where we need to solve the mystery, this is not a police-led crime procedure, but we are led by Brooke. She starts off working with PI Rod Morgan it is more out of curiosity, but when a link is found between Brooke and the past, it takes on a more personal aspect.

I really have suspected everyone in this book, but it is tough to explain without taking the magic away from this book. As mentioned before when the attacker is revealed, it is just not as simple as one would expect, and I absolutely loved this little twist in the story. Also, like with any book, when you realise what the book title means, it just resonates even more, especially in this book. When you realise what “Blood ribbon” represents, I found it quite sad and haunting, and you can also grasp that from the gorgeous gorgeous book cover

I am over the moon that I got a chance to read this book, and reading this book has made me itching to get hold of Roger’s other books. (Plus look at the gorgeous cover! I know I have said that already!) I am not done with his writing as it is absolutely enthralling, the way you are sucked in, without even realising you are sucked in. Hooking me from start to finish, I have found this hard to put down and when I had, I was thinking about it long after.

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  • 9 August, 2018: Finished reading
  • 9 August, 2018: Reviewed