Hello, Goodbye, and Everything in Between by Jennifer E Smith

Hello, Goodbye, and Everything in Between

by Jennifer E Smith

One night. A life-changing decision. And a list...

Of course Clare made a list. She creates lists for everything. That's just how she is.

But tonight is Clare and Aidan's last night before college and this list will decide their future, together or apart.

It takes them on a rollercoaster ride through their past - from the first hello in science class to the first conversation at a pizza joint, their first kiss at the beach and their first dance in a darkened gymnasium - all the way up to tonight.

A night of laughs, fresh hurts, last-minute kisses and an inevitable goodbye.

But will it be goodbye forever or goodbye for now?

Reviewed by Sam@WLABB on

5 of 5 stars

JESmith is usually my go-to when I want a sweet romance. This was sweet, but so sad. Her MCs were both preparing to leave colleges on opposite coasts. They spend their last 12 hours together revisiting special memories while struggling to decide on the fate of their relationship. This goodbye just hangs over them as they try to enjoy the short time they have left. I found myself in tears more times than not while I read this book. This idea of trying to decide if you should do the right thing or the selfish thing. It's a very precious and painful story that many people will find relatable. Maybe you weren't saying goodbye to your first love, but you have had to say goodbye to something -- a best friend, a place you lived, a job.

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  • Started reading
  • 31 July, 2015: Finished reading
  • 31 July, 2015: Reviewed