Lyle Lyle Crocodile by Bernard Waber

Lyle Lyle Crocodile (Lyle the Crocodile)

by Bernard Waber

Everyone in the neighborhood loves Lyle the crocodile--except for a cranky neighbor and his nervous cat! Can lovable Lyle make everything right with his grumpy neighbors?

Lyle the crocodile lives in a house on East 88th Street in New York City. Lyle enjoys helping the Primm family with everyday chores, and playing with the neighborhood kids. He's the happiest crocodile any home ever had...until one neighbor insists that Lyle belongs in a zoo! Mr. Grumps and his cat, Loretta, don't like crocodiles, and everything Lyle does to win them over seems to go wrong. It will take all of Lyle's charm--and courage--to reveal the hero, and friend, behind the big, crocodile smile.

Reviewed by cherryblossommj on

3 of 5 stars

This week the Literature & Enrichment choice for Memoria Press is Lyle, Lyle, the Crocodile. A vintage picture book choice. We are reading ours from the Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile Storybook Treasury. It seems there is a back story in there that we will need to go back and read.

While I don't love the illustrations, I truly enjoy reading about Lyle. It reminds me of Syd Hoff, Amelia Bedelia, and in circumstance Paddington and Babar. All classics and vintage books that make me want to snuggle up with the Littles.

Lyle's story is a good one to read talking about character and friendships. Lyle has different types of friends from varying avenues of his life, just as we all will.

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  • Started reading
  • 7 October, 2014: Finished reading
  • 7 October, 2014: Reviewed