Reviewed by Jeff Sexton on
My semi-shock at stumbling into a Christian Fiction tale published by Harlequin aside (and kudos to them for reaching out to *all* segments of their market), this tale was actually quite solid. Reminded me a bit of Dee Henderson's O'Malley Family series many years ago in that the suspense was high wire level tight, the leads worked well together personally and professionally, and the religious aspects were at least worked in as every day parts of the characters' lives and thus never truly preachy. And hell, the actual mystery at hand was actually sufficiently creepy that fans of the general romantic suspense genre will find quite a bit to enjoy here - so long as you don't mind praying. (I know of at least some readers who absolutely will not touch a book that mentions God or prayer *at all*, *no matter what*. If you're that level... yeah, this book isn't for you. If you're at least ambivalent about that particular feature and just looking for a great suspense tale... you're gonna like this one.) As I said in the title here, this is truly a solid tale of its type, and thus it is very much recommended.
Reading updates
- Started reading
- 20 November, 2021: Finished reading
- 20 November, 2021: Reviewed