Reviewed by sstaley on

4 of 5 stars

I have loved the Seers trilogy so far. It has been one surprise after another. The 2nd book in the series left you hanging, screaming, and dying to know what happens in the 3rd book. Guardians takes up right where Demons left off. Kate has the whole Demon world after her per request of The Demon Lord and a hefty ransom. Patrick is trying his best to guard the woman he loves. I loved how the characters are fleshed out even more in this last book. Heather is very good at characterization. She really knows how to write memorable characters. You can't help but be drawn into the lives of the Seers and Guardians that Heather writes.

The action is good again in this novel. The first part of the book moves a little slower as the book goes into what happened previously. Things pick up half way through and doesn't stop. Once Kate starts teaching the other Seers about time travel the story speeds along. Of course I loved this aspect the most about this book. It was also fun to meet all of the new Seers introduced in the third book.

I have to say that I really loved how this series ended. There were SO many surprises! I truly could not have guessed on the outcome. I also loved the epilogue. Some epilogues are better than others, and this one ranks right up there with my favorites. I will miss this series and the characters. I can't wait to see what else Heather Frost writes. She is an amazing writer that knows how to produce a great story. If you haven't read this series yet I highly recommend that you do.

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  • Started reading
  • 8 July, 2013: Finished reading
  • 8 July, 2013: Reviewed