Chew Volume 2: International Flavor by John Layman

Chew Volume 2: International Flavor

by John Layman

Tony Chu, the cibopathic federal agent with the ability to get psychic impressions from the things he eats, is on a bizarre new case. A newly discovered fruit takes Agent Chu to a remote island full of secrets, Presenting the second storyline of's pick for Best Indie Series of 2009 and MTV Splash's pick for Best New Series of 2009. Find out what the fuss is about in this latest a twisted and darkly funny comic about cops, crooks, cooks, cannibals and clairvoyants.strangeness-and a shadowy killer with a particularly sinister appetite.

Reviewed by celinenyx on

4 of 5 stars

God, Chew can be so disgusting. The second volume provides a new storyline, which at the same time tied in with the unfinished plot lines from the first volume. It took me a few pages to remember what happened in the first volume again because I have a terrible book memory, but I love how the story in Chew is quite complex. Writing-wise, probably the best comic I have read so far. International Flavour is funny, thrilling, and pretty gross.

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  • Started reading
  • 15 April, 2015: Finished reading
  • 15 April, 2015: Reviewed