Reviewed by stacey_is_sassy on

4 of 5 stars

Get the frenzy out of here…

***Could be spoilerish if you haven't read the previous installments in the series. Best to be read in order***

In Binding Ecstasy we see another mating frenzy and another Guardian bites the dust…these guys and gals are dropping likes flies. First off, I just have to say that it squicks me out when you mix a kinky books character and a family member's name…WRONG!!!

I really enjoyed this latest installment of The Guardians of the Realms, but to be honest, I was worried. I started it, found out that Tasha and her twin sister Nastia were created for evil purposes, and worried that they would cause destruction and devastation or be a new accomplice for Apollo. It turned out OK though, because you can be made for a purpose, but it doesn’t always take. Both Tasha and Nastia don’t have ambitions to take over the world. They are trying to live a normal life in the earth realm. Well as normal as can be, considering the fact they’re immortal, hiding from the guardians and have a goal to achieve…kill Apollo.

Bastian and fellow guardian Sander are in an erotic club, probably wanting to get their jollys off (they are Guardians after all), when both of them feel something off. Neither of them can work out what it is, but both wished they had more time to investigate. They are there on a mission to track down the missing God, Apollo. That slippery little sucker keeps getting away from them, and Drake (head honcho Guardian) is loosing his ever loving mind because of it. Eventually, Bastian makes time to investigate and is stunned to find two immortals hiding out (more like misting out) and one of them is his fated mate.

Lots of getting to know you’s, mind chatting, bumping uglies and sharing of secrets, gets both Tasha and Bastian to a certain level of comfort with each other. Unfortunately, Bastian has kept a teeny, tiny secret from Tasha that he knows could blow up in his face. When push comes to shove, and the secret comes out, Tasha knows that he did it to protect her, but she can’t help but be a bit pissed off. Luckily, they get that their relationship is special and make every effort to be there for each other.

The sexy times in Binding Ecstasy were HOT!! Now, I know I say that every time I read one of Setta Jay’s books, but this one really did it for me. He’s not an asshole Dom and she’s not a weak submissive. They just seemed to work together naturally. I can’t really pinpoint exactly why it worked so well, but I think it had to do with the way he talked to her. Commanding, but sweet, dirty but loving…he just got it right.

Drake is having serious meltdowns, Apollo is still causing problems and Nastia and Sander have to work through some frenzies of their own. I’m also a little worried that Sirena is going to hit a brick wall soon. Every installment of the series she gets a little more used and abused. Come on Creators, get her a destined mate sooner rather than later please.

I’m addicted…and I’m not ready to quit. Bring on the next MATING FRENZY!!!

I received a complimentary copy of this story from Netgalley for an honest review.

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  • 7 January, 2016: Finished reading
  • 7 January, 2016: Reviewed