Reviewed by Nadz@Totally Addicted to Reading on

4 of 5 stars

I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.Plot

The plot moved at a steady pace. It was like taking a lazy Sunday afternoon stroll. Relaxing and comforting. The synopsis mentioned a young boy missing and the hero, Jay Gosling, having to move past his prejudices and work with the heroine, Penelope. However, it played a minor role in the story. It occurred at around eighty percent (80%) into the story and did not take long before it was resolved. It would have been nice if the story had placed more emphasis on the search and rescue (SAR). Don’t get me wrong I loved the romance, but in light of the fact that both protagonists were trained in SAR, I expected more in that area.


Jay and Penelope were wonderful together and were easy to relate to. They brought out the best in each other. However, it took awhile for them to come to terms with their feelings for each other. Fear, which developed from issues from their past, was the main obstacle to their romance. I loved the growth both characters went through throughout the progression of the story. Penelope grew throughout the story. At the start she was portrayed as someone who lacked confidence and who had no friends. However, by the end of the story, all that had changed. Jay overcame his fears, which aided in him finally getting the girl of his dreams. Things between could have been resolved much quicker if only they would communicate.

World Building

I loved the setting. The author’s descriptions had me wanting to visit Maple Falls, Vermont. The closeness of the community shared and the way they had each other’s backs during times of distress resonated with me.

Writing Style

The story was easy to read. It flowed seamlessly, for the most part. I believe the situation regarding the missing boy was thrown into the story as an afterthought. I waited so long for the event to occur that by the time it did it lost its appeal. Yes, I saw where Penelope got the chance to utilise her skills, but that intense feeling one gets when a search and rescue was involved was non-existent. I enjoyed the humour the author injected into the story which made for some light hearted moments.


The cover, although pleasing to the eye, was not in line with the story. Jay is one of the most sought after persons in the field of search and rescue. However, in light of the fact that the story was about Penelope earning her certification in the field and the dog in question belongs to her, I expected a picture of a female to be on the cover.


The story ended on a satisfying note. Conflicts were resolved and the characters achieved their goals both as individuals and as a couple.


Overall, I had a good time with Called Into Action. This is a perfect fit for readers of contemporary romance, especially those who love dogs.This review was originally posted on Totally Addicted to Reading

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  • Started reading
  • 23 May, 2021: Finished reading
  • 23 May, 2021: Reviewed