A Week of Mondays by Jessica Brody

A Week of Mondays

by Jessica Brody

Ellie is having the worst Monday of her life. She messes up her school speech for the class vice presidency position, she manages to take the world's worst school picture, she bombs softball tryouts, and the icing on top of this awful cake: her perfect boyfriend who is in a high school rock band dumps her. At the end of the day, Ellie wishes she could redo everything. When she wakes up the next morning, she discovers that it's Monday again! She has six more chances to redo the day in the hopes of having everything go exactly the...Read more

Reviewed by Berls on

4 of 5 stars

I had so much fun with A Week of Mondays. To be honest, I picked it up not really knowing anything about it, except that it was on my bookclub reading list and I liked the cover LOL!

What worked: Groundhog day! Okay not really groundhog day, but I've always loved that movie and stories that utilize that trope (is it a trope?) and this one does it so well. Our teenage heroine is reliving what could easily be the worst monday an otherwise happy teen lives through. So no, she doesn't have a hard life and yeah, it could be way worse. But it your otherwise happy, this day sucks.
- Quite a few bits had me LMAO which was an unexpected surprise. Especially the day she looses it and just says eff it! Very funny!
- the relationships! I loved her relationships and how she realizes part of what she has to do to fix Monday is take better care of those relationships - with her mother & father, her sister, and her best friend Ollie.
- the message - You have to be true to who you are! Changing yourself isn't how you find love and happiness, if you love yourself others will too.
- the "love-triangle" - I'm someone who can both love and hate love triangles, depending on how they go. I don't want to spoil anything so I can't explain exactly why this one works- except to say, the right person wins and you don't feel bad at all about the one that looses.

What could have worked better:
- I think I would have liked a few more Mondays! LOL! It's already a long enough book and honestly works just fine the way it is. I'm just trying to figure out what would have made it 5 stars for me and I think some more of the crazy, she's lost it, Mondays would have been fun. Maybe that would have brought me to 5 stars? IDK?

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  • Started reading
  • 18 February, 2017: Finished reading
  • 18 February, 2017: Reviewed