What's Math Got to Do with It? by Jo Boaler

What's Math Got to Do with It?

by Jo Boaler

A recent assessment of mathematics performance around the world ranked the United States twenty-eighth out of forty countries in the study. When the level of spending was taken into account, we sank to the very bottom of the list. According to Jo Boaler, who was a professor of mathematics education at Stanford University for nine years, statistics like these are becoming all too common we have reached the point of crisis, and a new course of action is crucial. In this straightforward and inspiring book, Boaler outlines the nature of the problem by following the progress of students in...Read more

Reviewed by arronkau on

4 of 5 stars

Overly polemic at times, but an approachable overview of mathematic pedagogy and best practices.

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  • 14 June, 2013: Finished reading
  • 14 June, 2013: Reviewed