Veil of Midnight by Lara Adrian

Veil of Midnight (Midnight Breed, #5)

by Lara Adrian

Bound by blood, addicted to danger, they'll enter the darkest—and most erotic—place of all.

A warrior trained in bullets and blades, Renata cannot be bested by any man—vampire or mortal. But her most powerful weapon is her extraordinary psychic ability—a gift both rare and deadly. Now a stranger threatens her hard-won independence—a golden-haired vampire who lures her into a realm of darkness…and pleasure beyond imagining.

A combat-loving adrenaline junkie, Nikolai dispenses his own justice to enemies of the Breed—and his latest quarry is a ruthless assassin. One woman stands in his way: the seductive, cool-as-ice bodyguard, Renata. But Renata’s powers are put to the test when a loved one, a child, is threatened and she’s forced to turn to Niko for help. As the two join forces, as desire fans the flames of a deeper hunger, Renata’s life is under siege by a man who offers the exquisite pleasure of a blood bond—and a passion that could save or doom them both forever.…

Reviewed by mitabird on

4 of 5 stars

4.5 stars

I really enjoyed this book, but it didn't have anything to do with the main couple. Renata and Nikolai really didn't do anything for me. I liked Renata's power and Nikolai was the typical warrior. They were pretty bland, IMO. However, I really enjoyed the storyline. I like how the story is progressing. It was exciting and I was practically on the edge of my seat to see how it was going to play out. The introduction of Hunter was intriguing and I can't wait to read his part in the upcoming books.

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  • Started reading
  • 20 September, 2009: Finished reading
  • 20 September, 2009: Reviewed