Worth the Risk by Claudia Connor

Worth the Risk (McKinney Brothers, #2)

by Claudia Connor

For readers of Bella Andre, New York Times bestselling author Claudia Connor follows up her heartfelt debut, Worth the Fall, with a novel about Matt’s brother, Stephen. When a McKinney brother falls in love, powerful emotion and overwhelming desire are never far behind.
Two hearts locked away . . . Hannah Walker spends her days coaching children through injury and trauma, one therapeutic horseback ride at a time. She knows all too well how violence can change a child and leave scars that never heal. It’s easy for her to relate to the kids; what isn’t easy is the thought of facing her own harrowing past.
Millionaire playboy Stephen McKinney could use a little coaching himself. Five years ago he encountered his most horrible nightmare—and the nightmare won. No matter what he achieves, nothing can make up for that awful night . . . or so he believes.
Both desperate for a second chance . . . Stephen is used to getting what he wants. And he wants Hannah. So when she turns him down, he’s intrigued. What he doesn’t know is that her secrets will lead him to a place he never wanted to go again . . . to a side of himself he’s tried to forget . . . a side that would scare Hannah away from ever loving him. Now his only chance to win her trust is to bare his soul, risking everything he tried so hard to protect.

Reviewed by leelu92 on

4 of 5 stars


Another 4.5 star from Ms. Connor!!

I was in complete denial about this book ending. I wanted more Stephen, more Hannah and more of the McKinney and Walker families.

Stephen. Definitely different from Matt and I appreciate a writer than can write unique characters and Stephen was his own man and what a man he is.


I read this in November of last year and I made some notes when I read it but when it came time for me to write my review, I knew I needed to go back to the book.  Which, you know, is such a chore.  NOT.  I fell right back in love with the McKinney family. I know a book is special when I can go back and read it again and feel all warm and fuzzy.  I ended up taking about two hours and re reading almost every word of this book.

I was reminded of how much I love the male characters that Ms. Connor creates.  I found myself laughing because Hannah is completely surrounded by a very high level of highly protective alpha males.  Between 4 brothers and Stephen, she is swimming in testosterone! It's great!  It would different if they were complete jerks but they aren't at all.  Stephen comes off as pretty arrogant and full of himself in the beginning ("Have dinner with me.")  but I realized that McKinney gene pool prohibits him from descending into complete assholedom.

Did I mention that Hannah has FOUR brothers?  Uh yeah.  The Walker Brothers series is just begging to be written!!!

Nick- FBI
Luke- Special Forces
Zach- Fireman
Dallas- Cop

Aside from the fantasticness (made that word up) of the McKinney family, Ms. Connor has created two characters that need someone to love and protect them from the ghosts of their pasts.  After Stephen realizes how special Hannah is, he treats her with such reverence and tenderness.  To her credit, Hannah lets Stephen shelter and protect her.  She relishes the safety and protection that he offers her.  Growing up with her protective and loving brothers, one might think that Hannah would rebel against Stephen's protective nature, instead she flourishes within it.

So many great things about this book.  I suspect Ms. Connor will be another Marie Force for me, an author whose work I can depend upon to be unique and interesting, and that I can read and enjoy endlessly.

If you loved Matt and Abby, I think you'll enjoy Stephen and Hannah just as much, if not more.  So, if you have not read this book, you need to.  If you haven't read the first book in this series, Worth the Fall, then get busy and start reading!




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  • Started reading
  • 18 November, 2014: Finished reading
  • 18 November, 2014: Reviewed