Reviewed by Linda on

2 of 5 stars

*My reviews are personal reflections of what I read and take notes of. It is in no way meant to dissuade a person from reading a book from authors who put a lot of work into their stories. I do not get paid for my reviews nor have I been asked to give my opinions concerning these books. This book was lent to me from the kindle library collection*

This and other reviews can be found in full on my blog (un)Conventional bookviews

Leigh Fromm is an American commoner, living in a trailer park, although she has a good job and a solid education. Her best friend Kat is her sidekick. Leigh is described as being clumsy and awkward in social situation, but she hardly ever seems that way when she is actually meeting new people or talking to them – or even being interviewed.

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  • Started reading
  • 1 June, 2012: Finished reading
  • 1 June, 2012: Reviewed