The White Feather Murders by Rachel McMillan

The White Feather Murders (Herringford and Watts Mysteries, #3)

by Rachel McMillan

Uncommon Heroes...or Unsuspecting Victims?

Toronto, 1914. Merinda Herringford and Jem Watts never could have imagined their crime-solving skills would set them up as emblems of female empowerment in a city preparing to enter World War I at the behest of Great Britain. Yet, despite their popularity, the lady detectives can't avoid the unrest infiltrating every level of society.

A war measure adopted by Mayor Montague puts a target on Jem and her Italian husband, Ray DeLuca. Meanwhile, deep-rooted corruption in the police force causes their friend, Constable Jasper Forth, to wonder if his thirst for upholding the law would be best quenched elsewhere.

In spite of these distractions, Merinda, Ray, and Jasper join with other honorable and courageous city leaders in the Cartier Club, which exists to provide newly arrived residents of Toronto with a seamless integration in the city.

When a club member turns up dead, bearing a slanderous white feather, will Merinda, Jem, and those they hold dear be able to solve the high-stakes mystery before they're all picked off, one by one?

Reviewed by readingwithwrin on

4 of 5 stars

This is the final full book in this trilogy and I am so sad to see it end. This one was bitter sweet for me in the fact that it is the end and that throughout most of the book one of the characters had a problem with another character making it hard to like both of the characters. As for the mystery part I could not figure it out and I was shocked by who the person was, I never would have suspected them. I'm still shocked by it.

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  • Started reading
  • 18 October, 2017: Finished reading
  • 18 October, 2017: Reviewed