New York, Actually by Sarah Morgan

New York, Actually (From Manhattan with Love, #4)

by Sarah Morgan

Pre-order your copy of Sarah Morgan’s new novel Beach House Summer now – coming May 2022!

Praise for Sarah Morgan:

‘A complete joy. It’s a glorious, summery read full of warmth, humour and poignancy, against the perfect romantic backdrop’ Cressida McLaughlin

‘Another charming read from author Sarah Morgan’ HELLO!

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Meet Molly

New York’s most famous agony aunt, she considers herself an expert at relationships…as long as they’re other people’s. The only love of her life is her Dalmatian, Valentine.

Meet Daniel

A cynical divorce lawyer, he’s hardwired to think...

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Reviewed by Leah on

4 of 5 stars

If you rely on Sarah Morgan for one thing, it’s a well written romance novel, filled with warmth, laughter, and so much romance. There’s no writer like her, and she manages to write book after book after book and I keep coming back for more, because I can never have enough of the characters she creates. I’ve spoken a lot about how I feel I’m losing my love for romance novels/Chick Lit, but I can never have too many Sarah Morgan novels and New York, Actually was a fantastic read and not just because of Brutus and Valentine, but let’s be honest it was like 99.9% because of Brutus and Valentine.

The whole concept of how Molly and Daniel meet is bonkers. Like legitimately bonkers and I didn’t know whether to give props to Daniel for his genius or wonder why legs and a ponytail made him kidnap one of his sister’s foster dogs to get to meet some random girl he didn’t even know (he didn’t really kidnap Brutus, he had permission and Brutus is actually called Ruffles which is hilarious to me). Mostly I thought it was cute, it takes dedication to do something so ballsy and I admired him. If Molly hadn’t found out it was all a ruse, it would have been a cute story for the grand-kids, though the real story is still a good story to tell I suppose.

I really loved getting to know Molly and Daniel and I so admired Daniel’s persistence in getting Molly to even have a coffee with him (though can someone PLEASE explain why Americans think we all drink fancy-ass tea when we drink Tetley?! Earl Grey what?). Molly is very hesitant to do anything with Daniel, and it’s clear she’s been hurt in the past very badly, and while I understood why Molly was hesitant, when it all came out I didn’t think it was THAT dramatically bad? But IDK. Perhaps I’ve read too much fantasy. Clary Fray has given me a high tolerance for what is actually bad in this world. They had chemistry like woah, though, and I loved how Valentine kinda had a hand in that, since he loved Brutus.

I loved New York, Actually and I am STOKED that the next book Holiday in the Hamptons is Fliss’s story (and book three had better well be Harriet, damn it). It makes me love Sarah Morgan even more because when you close one of her books you aren’t always done with the characters and that keeps my little heart happy. I loved getting to know Molly and Daniel, the New York setting made me fall in love with the city again (am I ever desperate to go to Central Park) and it was just a wonderful read. Sarah Morgan does what she says on the tin, and 15 million sales (!!!!!!!!) cannot be wrong.

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  • 2 April, 2017: Finished reading
  • 2 April, 2017: Reviewed