Reviewed by kimbacaffeinate on

4 of 5 stars

Gertrude is back in Gertrude, Gumshoe: Murder at Goodwill.  Needing to get her Christmas shopping done, she calls the van and gets a ride to the local Goodwill. It's Saturday and quite crowded. After rummaging through the children's section she heads off to the perfume section where she makes a ghastly discovery. She discovers the body of a dead woman and the ugliest green lamp she has ever seen. She lets out a scream and is soon discovered by employees. She turns to tell them she simply found the body and that quick the lamp disappears. Hale the local handsome detective is shocked to find Gert at another murder scene and angers Gert when he isn't upset about the missing lamp. Once again Gert beings investigating, even going to so far as to secure a job at Goodwill.  A burglary, boobytraps, and trouble insue as Gert and her reluctant neighbor investigate. For me, this was a stronger story and I enjoyed seeing familiar characters.  This was a quick, funny, and clever case that I quite enjoyed. This review was originally posted at Caffeinated Reviewer

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  • 10 December, 2017: Reviewed