Reviewed by inlibrisveritas on

4 of 5 stars

Super cute!
I originally set out to find some board books for my future niece, but ended up finding this…and needless to say it’s now on my own shelf. Oops. Dracula is one of my favorite classics, and the book that really kicked off my love of gothic novels…so of course I bought a board book devoted to counting.

Dracula is a counting book, which points to the person who knows their vampire lore, and it takes prominent things from the books and places them in gorgeous pictures devoted to teaching your little ones to count to ten.

I really love the images for this, and love that even though it has a ton of muted ‘moody’ colors that there are still nice pops of red and purple. I think Dracula (and the others in this series) are some of the coolest baby books I’ve seen lately. I love that it’s a great way to help your baby learn the basics of counting, but also let them become familiar with the classics they’re parents love.

I’m definitely keeping my eyes open for the rest of the books like this, like Frankenstein and Wuthering Heights.

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  • Started reading
  • 4 April, 2016: Finished reading
  • 4 April, 2016: Reviewed