Immortals After Dark #6: Kiss of a Demon King by Cole

Immortals After Dark #6: Kiss of a Demon King

by Cole

For centuries, Rydstrom, fallen king of the Rage Demons, has fought to seize his crown, never relenting, until he is tricked into the lair of a exquisite enchantress. If she can tempt him to her bed, everything he's worked for will be lost. Sabine the Sorceress of Illusions has long accepted her fate: to seduce a demon king. But once she kisses the brutal warrior, she realizes seduction is far from the punishment she'd feared. Yet just when they begin to fall for each other, one will be forced to make the ultimate sacrifice. Will Sabine give up the only life she knows to save her demon? Or will the proud king lay down his crown and arms to keep his sorceress...?

Reviewed by Linda on

3 of 5 stars

This one had more story than the others, and less sex... or maybe I've gotten used to it? Anyways, I liked this story, as we got to know the characters a little better, not as much running around.

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 6 October, 2010: Finished reading
  • 6 October, 2010: Reviewed