Last Kiss by Louise Phillips

Last Kiss (A Dr Kate Pearson novel)

by Louise Phillips

In a quiet suburb, a woman desperately clings to her sanity as a shadowy presence moves objects around her home.
In a hotel room across the city, an art dealer with a dubious sexual past is found butchered, his body arranged to mimic the Hangman card from the Tarot deck.
But what connects them?
When criminal psychologist Dr Kate Pearson is brought in to help investigate the murder, she finds herself plunged into a web of sexual power and evil which spreads from Dublin to Paris, and then to Rome.
Will Kate discover the identity of the killer before it's too late to protect the innocent? But what separates the innocent from the guilty when the sins of the past can never be forgotten?

Reviewed by wyvernfriend on

4 of 5 stars

While I'm not all that impressed with the interpersonal relationships and the way sometimes Dr Kate Pearson comes across as an explainer of terms to the ignorant, it's a good thriller and I was kept guessing about what was going on. Excellent thriller that made me sympathetic to the murderer.

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  • Started reading
  • 26 August, 2015: Finished reading
  • 26 August, 2015: Reviewed