Rancher at Risk by Barbara White Daille

Rancher at Risk

by Barbara White Daille

After the loss of his family in a tragic accident, Ryan Malloy has been given one last chance to change his life. His boss sends him to Flagman's Folly, New Mexico, to run his ranch, but unfortunately, Ryan's troubled attitude lands him in hot water with the locals, especially the ranch's manager, Lianne Ward. Deaf since birth, Lianne has never let her disability define who she is. But, she's yet to meet a man who treats her as an equal. Ryan seems different, that is, when they're not butting heads over the ranch's new school for disadvantaged boys. Forced to work together, Lianne and Ryan discover an unexpected attraction beneath their quarreling. But will Ryan's painful past drive them apart permanently?

Reviewed by Stephanie on

2 of 5 stars

Really a 2.5.

I have read all of Barbara White Daille’s previous Flagman Folly books and enjoyed each and every one of them. Naturally I jumped at the chance to read the newest addition when I was contacted about it. Both leads have their own issues to work through; Ryan has lost his wife and young child in a car accident and Lianne has been deaf since the day she was born. Read the rest at Once Upon a Chapter.

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  • Started reading
  • 28 December, 2013: Finished reading
  • 28 December, 2013: Reviewed