Collision Course by Matt Hilton

Collision Course (A Grey and Villere Thriller)

by Matt Hilton

Private investigator Tess Grey feels duty bound to help when the missing girl she has been asked to find becomes involved a high-stakes case of extortion.

Private investigator Tess Grey's latest case involves tracking down Hayley Cameron, a young girl who has fled after discovering that she was adopted. Tess, aided by her fiancé Po Villere, traces Hayley to the apartment of Madison Toner - one of Hayley's college friends - in Bangor, Maine.

Despite Tess's pleas, Hayley refuses to return to her adoptive mother. Both Tess and Po believe there's more to her running away than it seems, especially when they see Madison's father bloodied and beaten. Concerned for Hayley's well-being, they conduct a stake-out.

When thugs turn up to blackmail Madison and Hayley, Tess and Po feel duty bound to get involved. But what are the girls embroiled in? Who are after them and to what lengths will they go? Tess and Po don't know it yet, but events are about to grow deadly.

Reviewed by Jeff Sexton on

5 of 5 stars

Sold Reacher-Style Mystery, Deep In Series. This is a solid mystery of the "Reacher" style. In that there is a compelling mystery of someone being missing and/ or in danger, and the good guy (in this case, a team of a PI and her two ex-con friends) has to find them and/ or stop the bad guys. Usually with significant fisticuffs and generally lots of rampant destruction and gunshots. Hell, this book opens up with our female PI pulling off a similar stunt to one of Reacher's own more memorable ones. One thing to note here is that this book *is* deep into the series - something I didn't realize when I signed up for the ARC. Not a big deal for me personally, as the backstory was appropriately mentioned enough to get where the characters currently are and whet the appetite for going back as a reader, but those particularly sensitive about spoilers will want to read this series from the beginning. Overall, a solid, action packed mystery. Very much recommended.

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  • Started reading
  • 14 October, 2020: Finished reading
  • 14 October, 2020: Reviewed