Reviewed by jamiereadthis on

2 of 5 stars

This was on audio, or else it would have dents from getting thrown across the room. I almost quit at 65%, and at 85%, and at 98%. The last time I almost quit and didn’t, it was because I looked down and only had six minutes left.

It’s rare that I want to bail so late in the book. The first half was great. Really into the trek through the jungle, and the snarky dynamic between McGowan and “Sister Beth.” But then the characters just became IDIOTS, and Elizabeth had a personality transplant, and McGowan never learned after the 100th time that ignoring his instincts was the WRONG THING TO DO.

Worse still was the repetition that dwelt on those things over and over. There’s slow burn, and then there’s just a lone match dying out in an ashtray.

Four stars for the first half, and the slight Scottish lilt the narrator gave McGowan. Negative stars for the idiots that took over for the rest of the book.

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  • 2 February, 2019: Reviewed