Reviewed by Nadz@Totally Addicted to Reading on

4 of 5 stars

After the excitement of book one I was expecting book 2 to be just as exciting or even better. Well it lived up to my expectations and more.

Revenge 2 picks up where book one left off. Dylan had kidnapped Jess and took her to his place of residence. It was during this time that I saw a side to Dylan I did not like. His behavior was quite aggressive and animalistic. This caused Jess to be confused which is further complicated by the fact that she is attracted to him and was not quite sure how to react.

Jess is a naïve virgin who has been called upon by the recording company she works for to seduce Dylan to get him to sign a music contract with them. Dylan is quite aware of this as such it is quite hard to figure out if he genuinely feels anything for Jess or is he planning to turn the tables on the recording company with Jess being the pawn in this entire charade. This is further compounded by his hot and cold behavior towards Jess.
Then there is the issue of Nick who also works with the company. It is not clear as to what is motives are. In one instance it appears he may be looking out for Jess then the next we see him spying on her and Dylan. What is even stranger is that he has access to where Dylan lives. This has started me thinking that maybe these two are working together somehow.

Revenge 2 is riddled with secrets just like its predecessor. There are so many unanswered questions as it relates to the roles that each of the characters play in the overall scheme of things.

This time I was quite prepared for the cliffhanger ending but what I was not prepared for was the shocking revelation that Dylan made to Jess. I was like, ‘why did it have too end there’? Now I am going to have to wait patiently for book 3.

This is a great series that will have readers turning the pages and hankering for more. The story flowed and it was very easy to follow. The characters were realistic and easy to relate to. I really enjoyed this book and I can’t wait for book 3 which thank goodness will not be a long wait.

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  • Started reading
  • 5 March, 2014: Finished reading
  • 5 March, 2014: Reviewed