Reviewed by Jeff Sexton on

5 of 5 stars

Deeper Than Usual Rom-Com. This is one of those rom-coms that starts out light and fluffy and fun - even in an "I'm gonna kill you for that!" way - and then hits on several more substantive issues along the way. And yet, it never feels overly weighed down by any of them, though as with the comedy itself it is very likely that your mileage will vary there. For me, I loved the "behind the scenes" look at the "real-life" stresses of being a TV food show host/ judge... while also running your own restaurant empire off camera. And the constant twitter / google/ other social media feeds were an interesting spin as well, particularly used how they were. Great for foodies or really anyone just looking for a good time - though on *that* note... maybe not so much for the "clean" / "sweet" romance crowd. Very much recommended.

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  • 17 July, 2022: Reviewed