Who's the Grossest of Them All? by Susan McElroy Montanari

Who's the Grossest of Them All?

by Susan McElroy Montanari

The Three Billy Goats Gruff meets Walter the Farting Dog in this irresistibly kid-friendly read-aloud picture book that has the flavor of a classic nursery tale but with a huge surprise gross-out factor that will leave kids howling with laughter.
Goblin is proud to say that without a doubt, he is the most horrible creature in the forest. But then he meets Troll, who begs to differ—how could anyone be more horrible than he is! And so the two decide to ask passersby for their opinions. A terrified man chooses Troll, but then a petrified woman opts for Goblin. When a little girl skips by, Troll and Goblin agree that she should make the final call. The winner? Read to find out—you won’t believe who it is!

Reviewed by kimbacaffeinate on

4 of 5 stars

Who's the Grossest of Them All written by Susan McElroy Montanari and illustrated by Jake Parker ended up being Sophia's favorite as it ties into a lesson we recently taught her. Goblin and Troll believe they are each the grossest of them all and decide to settle it by asking someone. The first person who encounters them determines Troll is the grossest, but Troll decides they need another opinion. Next up is a little old lady who of course says Goblin is the grossest. They decide on the best 2 out of 3. Next comes a little girl who looks like Red Riding Hood and things take an unexpected turn, that induced giggles from Sophia and made me squirm. Nope..no..eew! I was shocked! If you must know what happened: The little girl picks her nose, and waves a big green slimy booger around while trying to decide who is grossest Troll or Goblin. Of course, the little girl ends up being the Grossest of them all! The tale reminds me of classic nursery rhymes. Troll and Goblin may be gross, but they had good manners. Sophia loved the bridge illustration with its dark underbelly that showed only a set of eyes before Troll pops out. Kids will laugh at the twisted ending, and Mom's may squirm but there is a lesson wrapped in all the grossness!

Copy provided by publisher. This review was originally posted on Caffeinated Book Reviewer

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  • Started reading
  • 26 August, 2016: Finished reading
  • 26 August, 2016: Reviewed