Night Is Forever by Heather Graham

Night Is Forever (Krewe of Hunters, #11)

by Heather Graham

A Ghost Rider in the Sky?

What happened here, on a historic ranch outside Nashville, during the Civil War? And what's happening now?

Olivia Gordon works at the Horse Farm, a facility that assists patients with mental and physical recovery; her specialty is animal therapy. She's always loved her job, always felt safe...until now.

People are dying, starting with the facility's founder, whose body is discovered in a ravine on the property-site of a massacre in 1862. And before every death, Liv sees a horse and rider, wearing a soldier's garb, in the night sky.... Warning? Omen? Or clue?

Liv calls in her cousin Malachi and his Krewe, an FBI unit of paranormal investigators, to discover the truth. New Krewe member Dustin Blake knows they need Liv's involvement in the case, yet he's worried about her safety. Because he and Liv quickly become more than colleagues...and he doesn't want to lose her to the endless night.

Reviewed by kimbacaffeinate on

4 of 5 stars

Graham creates likable characters from the living to the non-living that you can easily connect with. Olivia is wonderful, from her optimism to her interactions with the staff and youth at the Horse Farm. Convinced of foul play she is determined to clear her mentor’s good name. Dustin, who is former military and a decorated member of the FBI, has always been able to see the dead. When approached by the Krewe of Hunters, he is honored to be considered for this élite group. Olivia and Dustin clicked as a couple. The romance was slow to build and felt genuine. You could feel the chemistry between them, and as the relationship heated I became invested in them. Several ghosts aided in the case, from a civil war officer and his horse to the recently deceased and I loved these paranormal details. The suspect list was long, and the characters all had their own voice.

The murder mystery in The Night is Forever was a particularly good one. From mysterious accidents, included a closed room murder, I wasn’t really sure who the suspect was until the end. Graham slowly reveals clues, often misleading us as we begin to form a suspect list. I enjoy how she ties it all together and provides a solid theory. Olivia and Dustin were the perfect couple, as they worked off each other’s strengths and slowly built a relationship. I enjoyed a lot of the side characters in this tale, from the troubled teens to the local waitress. The setting was wonderful, and I loved hearing about the civil war, Nashville’s history and the ghostly officer. While this is the eleventh book in the Krewe of Hunters series, each book works as a standalone and offers a side dish of romance focusing on one couple.

Copy received in exchange for unbiased review and originally published @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer

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  • 8 September, 2013: Finished reading
  • 8 September, 2013: Reviewed