Incubus Dreams by Laurell K. Hamilton

Incubus Dreams (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, #12)

by Laurell K. Hamilton

As consultant to the Regional Preternatural Crime Investigation Unit, Anita Blake is called in on what appears to be a case involving a serial killer - a vampire serial killer - who may be preying on strippers. She's sure that none of the local vamps are responsible, but her judgement may be clouded by a conflict of interests. For she is, after all, the consort of Jean-Claude, the ever- intoxicating Master Vampire of the City - something both her human friends and her ex, the alpha werewolf Richard, are quick to point out. Surrounded by suspicion and overwhelmed by her attempts to control her own primal lusts for vampire, werewolf and shapeshifter, Anita is about to be pushed to her limits - and beyond.

Reviewed by Hixxup on

2 of 5 stars

I really don't have much to add from my previous posts, it was ok definitely not my fav, it took me forever to get through and now that I have, I'm glad it's over. Such as Shame cause I love this series.

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 25 June, 2011: Finished reading
  • 25 June, 2011: Reviewed