Reviewed by Lindsey Gray on

5 of 5 stars

We’ve all been told of Matthew’s heartbreak in the previous novels in the series. I was so excited to learn that Matthew was finally going to get his chance at love. If you’re not up to date on his past, Matthew’s fiancee died some time before this series began. I was surprised to learn it wasn’t that long before. I knew it would take a special circumstance to bring love back to his doorstep.

Mrs. Isabel Hayes was forced into an arranged marriage once and fears she will be forced again soon. Her one escape is becoming a voyeur at a Donville Masquerade. One night she is brought into the pageantry without her consent, but a masked stranger saves her. It takes some time but once she realizes the man who brought forth a desire like no other is her late cousin’s betrothed, she has already fallen too hard. Isabel’s uncle and current benefactor blames Matthew for her cousin’s death. How could she fall in love with such a man? Because she knew long before meeting the man that he had nothing to do with her cousin’s demise.

This novel stands out from the rest of the series for more than one reason. I loved the idea of the masquerade! While our ladies in this series haven’t been angels, Isabel is the first to know their is some pleasure to be had even with the wrong partner. I loved that Isabel is a widow who takes it upon herself to find her own bliss if only for a few moments from behind a mask. The thought that Matthew found her because his friend forced him to go was as charming as it is sinful.

I could go on for hours about my love of this novel, but I would hate to spoil the experience for you. If you’ve loved this series so far, you will be enraptured by this Duke of Hearts. If you are any kind of romance enthusiast, one click this novel now. I guarantee you won’t be sorry.

I received this book for free. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

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  • 23 May, 2018: Reviewed