Reviewed by zooloo1983 on

4 of 5 stars

I loved these ladies! Margie, Katherine and Abra, these ladies should be household names! They are most definitely Super ladies! Three women dealing with everyday issues in their lives but things start to change all thanks to Margie’s daughter Joan’s science project.

Joan is trying to prove a link between soy intake and breast cancer, taking swabs from 10 different women, some who have/had breast cancer and some that haven’t. When she swabs the three women their results prove inconclusive for Joan’s project….surely there is nothing wrong with them?

Then there is an explosion in the lab, and the women all feel iffy! Not really with it, and days after still feeling a side effect, however still trying to get on with life. What is going on?

Three different women, three different lives and three different powers. What could go wrong? What could go right? What are they going to do with these powers?

See so many questions!

I loved the writing of this story, it was fun and easy to read, and I found myself chuckling a bit with these women. They turn to each other for support as they discover themselves for the first time. This is a different kind of page-turner that I am used to, this one was not out of fear or tension but due to the hilarity of these three “middle-aged” women and their antics.

Psst….sequel maybe??

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 16 September, 2018: Finished reading
  • 16 September, 2018: Reviewed