Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

5 of 5 stars

This book is a must read! It was an amazing story that had lots of offer in terms of the story line and it drew me in from page one and I just couldn't stop reading it! There was action, suspense, and an enough romance and sex to keep me turning the pages and waiting to see what would happen next. There were so many aspects to this story that it not only just gripped you, but it cut right to your core. Packed full of passion, suspense, adventure and lots of steamy and hot sex this book kept me engaged and I didn’t want to put it down.

Rhys is an extremely sexy and dangerously good looking alpha male. He is torn between what he feels in his heart and what his head is telling him is right. He is a Killer of demons and fights for what is good but this doesn’t leave the time for a relationship of any kind, or so he thinks. Then he meets Amy, the beautiful and intelligent woman that speaks to his soul on a completely different level than anyone else ever has. Amy is definitely a spitfire and I love her character. These two have an instant chemistry and the scenes between them are extremely well written and WOW can you say HOT! The secondary characters were just as fantastic and I want to know more about them. I can’t wait to read about them in the next book in this series.

The story itself was a new and interesting take on the paranormal world and I found it interesting, intriguing and one that I read until the wee hours of the morning. It was a compelling story from the first page to the last, it offers readers a well developed story and complex characters. I can’t wait for the next book in the series I want to read more about this world and what happens next. I would recommend this to all who love a great action filled paranormal romantic read!

Reviewed by Kim for Cocktails and Books

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  • 27 July, 2014: Reviewed