Baby, Drive South by Stephanie Bond

Baby, Drive South (Southern Roads, #2)

by Stephanie Bond

The hardheaded Armstrong brothers are determined to rebuild their tornado-ravaged hometown in the Georgia mountains. They've got the means, they've got the manpower, what they need are women! So they place an ad in a northern newspaper and wait for the ladies to answer their call. Porter, the youngest Armstrong, is all for importing women. Still, he's so blown away by the sheer numbers, he falls off the water tower. Luckily there's a doctor among the newcomers--sweet and sexy Dr. Nikki Salinger and Porter has every intention of checking out her bedside manner.

Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

3 of 5 stars

This was really a 3.75. Review coming.

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  • Started reading
  • 17 June, 2011: Finished reading
  • 17 June, 2011: Reviewed