Reviewed by kimbacaffeinate on

4 of 5 stars

Spellman’s story is a blending of genres, part cozy, part conspiracy theory, part murder-mystery with lots of suspense, political plots and more. Told in multiple POVs, she introduces us to retired New York City Police Chief FitzHugh Donovan. Fitz owns a bookstore and lives in a brownstone with his daughter and granddaughter.

When Mrs. W, Fitz’s 90-something neighbor tells him she needs him to come collect something that she thinks they’ve found her. He arrives to find her dead, and the home tossed. The poor woman has been tortured but apparently she didn’t give up her secrets because Fitz discovers diaries and more hidden in his front bush… and so our begins our mystery.

Fitz enlists the help of his daughter Maeve, who has the Irish gift of sight and a group of friends who form the Bleecker Street Irregulars. They meet at the bookstore and discuss the journals as they uncover the secrets Mrs. W kept. Secrets involving WWII and Hitler himself. Secrets others will kill to keep hidden.

Clever twists, scientific implications, far-reaching conspiracies that touch all aspects of the government, power and more. It was an engaging tale with plenty of danger as those in the know sought to keep these secrets from coming to light.

I loved the motley crew of the Bleecker Street Irregulars. (BSIs) Each brought their own talent and resources to the table. We also have a romance that was served on the side and felt genuine. While I felt the multiple POVs kept me from knowing any one individual, the author did a good job of forming a bond between them. I am looking forward to getting to know them more. This review was originally posted at Caffeinated Reviewer

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  • 4 June, 2019: Finished reading
  • 4 June, 2019: Reviewed