Dirty Little Secret by Jennifer Echols

Dirty Little Secret

by Jennifer Echols

There are too many secrets in eighteen-year-old Bailey's life. Not just the obvious one: that she told her grandfather she was going on a date, and instead is playing fiddle in a Nashville bar. There's all the stuff that makes it worse. Like how her younger sister, Julie, was offered a recording contract, and her family is terrified that Bailey is going to mess the deal up. Like the way that Bailey has been acting out. Like the way they're all mad at her, even Julie.

Bailey's parents don't want her playing any gigs at all, but when they leave her with her grandfather in Nashville for the summer so they can tour with Julie, he lands her a music job that's beneath the radar, playing old country songs in cheesy costumes at a local mall. That's where she meets Sam…

Sam's got big plans that don't include playing backup while his alcoholic dad scratches out a living as a Johnny Cash sound-alike. He intends to take his high school garage band to the big time, and as soon as he hears Bailey play, he knows she's just what he wants. That really ticks off Charlotte, the drummer for the band and Sam's ex-girlfriend, while bassist Ace just wants to keep everyone happy.

Bailey isn't at all sure where she stands with this boy who has a lust for music and life, and who may or may not have a lust for her. Something tells her that with Sam, there could always be a catch. And yet, suddenly, her life is no longer about what might have been, and a whole lot about where she will choose to go.

Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

3 of 5 stars

I had high hopes for this book, because what could be any worse than being raised on the Bluegrass Festival circuit as a duo with your younger sister and then be told that your duo was being broken apart so your little sister could have the dream you both wanted. The family drama held up it's end of the bargain, but the relationship between Bailey and Sam was one that left me frustrated.

We meet Baily one year after she's booted from the singing duo she had with her sister. It hasn't been an easy adjustment for Baily. She went from sharing the spotlight with her youngest sister to being shoved home and told to hide in her hometown and not make any waves that could affect her sister's career. It's a bitter pill for Bailey to swallow (and rightly so). Being seventeen, she doesn't handle the situation in the best way and that lands her with her grandfather. He understands what music means to Bailey so he gets her a job at the local mall as one of the musicians that walk around entertaining the crowd. It's this job that introduces Bailey to Sam.

Sam is a talented musician who wants to make it. His band has a unique sound, but he's been told it's missing something. Sam thinks what he's been missing is Bailey and her fiddle. He manages to talk Bailey, despite her numerous protests, into playing with the band.

Looking back on this story, I think it's Sam that I have the biggest problem with. He manipulates people and events to get him what he wants, without really taking into account anyone else's feelings. Bailey had a feeling when Sam discovered who she was, he would try to use it to his advantage and he did. He used Bailey's feelings for him to try and get what he wanted. When that didn't work, he dumped her using the line he uses on all the girls he's with. It felt slimy, dirty and made me really dislike Sam.
I knew Sam had a hard time dealing with his family situation, but the way he went about trying to get what he wanted and prove a point made me not really want him to get what he wanted.

Bailey's family was another sore point. I don't understand how any parent could do what Bailey's did. It almost seemed like her mother was trying to realize her own dream and would use one or both of her daughters to get it. I could understand the music company saying they only wanted one sister, but the parents should have made sure Bailey didn't feel second best. Instead, they feed into her feeling of inadequacy and made her feel like she wasn't important enough to be in the family.

Not one of my favorites and one that had characters I really didn't like.

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  • Started reading
  • 17 May, 2013: Finished reading
  • 17 May, 2013: Reviewed