Reviewed by kimbacaffeinate on

4 of 5 stars

I am going to be totally honest here; I am a sucker for this type of synopsis. Predictable? Yes, but the ride to my HEA is usually a fun one. So when the publisher dangled The Best Man in front of me, I jumped at the chance to review this novella. I am so glad I did. Ana Blaze gave me a yummy hero and a smart, commitment shy romantic. I consumed this in a single sitting and it was delightful. Three word review: funny, sexy and romantic.

Beth Chase is a wedding planner and has her sights set on making partner at the company she works for. Today’s wedding hinges on that promotion, so when she sees the best man Colin Pratt arrive disheveled and obviously drunk, she will do whatever it takes to make the wedding go off without a hitch. The tale that unfolds was filled with a mix of hot and romantic moments with characters that quickly drew me in.

Beth Chase is successful, and as she states she“dates” but never really moves into the relationship department. Her career takes up too much of her time for anything. Colin Pratt is a jilted, smexy scholar and writer with the most delicious British accent. *swoons* The chemistry between them is hot from the start, and it was fun watching the tango these two performed. The banter was funny, and watching him unnerve her was delicious. While there is some one-sided insta-love, I totally bought it and loved watching this romance develop.

The Best Man is the type of book that you easily slide into. The author engages you from the beginning and allows you to connect with the characters. While the plot is predictable, Blaze added her own blend of humor, heat and lovable characters to make it all work. This is a novella but I appreciated that it didn’t feel rushed, things unfolded naturally and gave me exactly what I wanted; a delightful afternoon escape.

Copy received in exchange for unbiased review and originally published @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer

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  • 25 May, 2013: Finished reading
  • 25 May, 2013: Reviewed