Not Buying It by Judith Levine

Not Buying It

by Judith Levine

Shocked by the commerce in everything from pet cloning to patriotism, frightened by the downward spiral of her finances and that of the trash-strewn earth, Judith Levine enlists her partner, Paul, in a radical experiment: to forgo all but the most necessary purchases for an entire year.

Without consumer goods and experiences, Judith and Paul pursue their careers, nurture relationships, and try to keep their sanity, their identities, and their sense of humor intact. Tracking their progress -- and inevitable lapses -- Levine contemplates need and desire, scarcity and security, consumerism and citizenship. She asks the Big Questions: Can the economy survive without shopping? Are Q-tips necessary?

Not Buying It is the confession of a woman any reader can identify with: someone who can't live without French roast coffee or SmartWool socks but who has had it up to here with overconsumption and its effects on the earth and everyone who dwells there.

For the humor and intelligence of its insights, the refreshment of its skepticism, and the surprises of its conclusions, Not Buying It is sure to be on anyone's list of Necessities.

Reviewed by wyvernfriend on

4 of 5 stars

An interesting account of one woman's year without buying unnecessary items. She slips up a few times and spends a fair amount of guilt on her reasonings behind all this but overall an interesting look at the reasons people buy so much stuff. It made me think about my unthinking habits of shopping. As it's written as a diary sometimes it comes across as a little un-linear but overall I found it an interesting read. I would agree with some commentators on it that she started from a very strong point and stocked up on some stuff but she whined a bit much about her clothes occasionally.

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  • Started reading
  • 29 June, 2009: Finished reading
  • 29 June, 2009: Reviewed