Reviewed by zooloo1983 on

4 of 5 stars

This is a dark story of mental abuse, manipulation and the extent some people will go to escape their lives.

We are led through this story from four different women. Hannah the main woman, Kerry the Police Officer, Julia and Kate and you aren’t sure how they fit at first and I loved that air of mystery. Be careful if you read some reviews on Goodreads because they tell you how it fits! The main focus is Hannah and her story, however, we see insights into all their lives and how they are all impacted by this fallout.

I had a feeling how things would play out and I wasn’t disappointed. The book was riveting to read and it does keep your interest throughout. The only thing I struggled with sometimes was how the characters spoke it made me cringe, but this is such a small thing to worry about if you look at the bigger picture of this book. I did also struggle with some of the actions and thoughts of 2 of the characters, I felt they were completely the wrong time to be having these thoughts but then you can’t control human nature which is very evident in this book. You can not control how people behave, you can not control what goes on behind closed doors and a big thing we are highlighted towards is you can not always control your situation. That is a scary situation to be in. This idea had me intrigued with this book, the blurb hints at the danger we are about to endure but I wasn’t sure how much darkness there would be in this tale.

It is a great book to have you question everything. Question what you would do in the situations presented, how would you react? To tell the story from 4 different seemingly unconnected women to get a fuller picture is really well done. We get to see things from out the outside as well as inside. However, this book is not all hearts and flowers. It is shocking in places, it is dark and it’s harrowing. It really does make you want to wrap people up in cotton wool and protect them from the world. What I think makes it harrowing more so, is the fact we see the everyday norm, the making of coffee, the making of dinner, and then bam we are hit with something. We question did that just happen, or is it a case of unreliable narrator?! Cleverly done!

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  • Started reading
  • 21 August, 2020: Finished reading
  • 21 August, 2020: Reviewed