Paper or Plastic by Vivi Barnes

Paper or Plastic

by Vivi Barnes

Caught for shoplifting lipstick at the local SmartMart, sixteen-year-old Lex is horrified when her mother insists she work at the store over the summer to atone for her crime. Now, instead of working with her best friends at the trendy Clique, she's reduced to dealing with crazy coupon ladies, oddball co-workers, and Noah, her supervisor whom she only knows as the school geek. To make matters worse, what's left of her social life evaporates as her mother drags her to her diva sister's Coastal Princess Pageant. But as she gets to know the people of SmartMart, and as she spends more time getting to know the shy Noah, Lex learns there's a lot more to her co-workers than meets the eye.

Reviewed by bookishzelda on

SmartMart reminds me a lot of one of my retail jobs. I remember having those co-worker crushes and flirt with someone while stocking dog food. It actually makes me smile rather than be annoyed when I notice it at a store nowadays. I’ll whisper to my husband, those two totally like each other. It puts a smile on my face and so does Paper or Plastic.

The thing that makes this book more unique is that the majority of it takes place in supermarket. Every once in a while they change scenery but not that often. It actually felt like it cut down on unnecessary drama. Although Bryce is a key part to the story he’s not really in it. I really liked this approach. We also get this wide range of secondary characters. The other workers at SmartMart really add this whole huge dynamic. Especially seeing Lexi interact with them. It makes her have more depth because she’s not limited to just her friends or Noah.

Noah and Lexi are absolutely adorable. It’s switched up a little because often Lexi is the one that takes the lead. Rather than hoping Noah will do something she takes charge of the situation. I just loved every time one of them would get nervous around the other. It’s just so cute.

I also really liked Alexis family and how they have a strong presence in her life. Her little sister annoys her, her mom doesn’t always understand her and then there is her grandmother who is her best friend.

The book is an adorable sweet romance but there are also other things going on. Like Alzheimers, which if you have ever known someone with that awful disease, it is not easy for anyone. Not the person that has it or their family. Also there is the issue of abuse as well.

I think if you have ever worked in retail definitely read this book. If you haven’t...well still read the book. I loved it.

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  • 23 January, 2015: Finished reading
  • 23 January, 2015: Reviewed